Trommel screen mainly used in plastic bottle crushing washing recycling line, plays the key role of screening and sorting. As the drum rotates, the sand, stones, and some unwanted materials in the waste plastics will be separated through the aperture of the screen.

wide range of applications

Tumbler screens are widely used in several industrial fields, and different industries and applications require different specifications and types of tumbler screens. The main ones include:

  1. Plastic recycling: trommel screens are used to separate and screen waste plastics to produce recycled plastic pellets.
  2. Metallurgical industry: used to screen metal ores and mineral sands to extract useful ores and minerals.
  3. Building materials: for separating sand, stone, and gravel to prepare building materials.
  4. Agriculture: In agriculture, trommel screens can be used to screen agricultural products such as pellets, grains, and seeds.
  5. Food processing: In the food industry, tumbler screens are used to screen flour, sugar, cereals, and other food ingredients.
trommel screen for sale
trommel screen for sale

how the Trommel screen works

The waste plastic is loaded into the feed end of the tumbler screen. Once activated, the drum begins to rotate, pushing the material through the screen.

With the continuous rotation of the drum, the material keeps tumbling and the particles smaller than the screen holes pass through the screen holes while the larger ones are retained inside the drum.

rotary trommel screen factory
rotary screen factory

rotary drum sieve function

In the PET bottle recycling production line, the trommel screen is an important industrial equipment, which is mainly used in the following aspects:

  1. Pre-treatment and sorting: Tumbler screen can sort and screen bottles initially according to their type, color, and size for subsequent processing.
  2. Removal of impurities: Labels, caps, residual liquids, etc. can be effectively removed from PET bottles. This helps to improve the quality and purity of recycled PET pellets.
  3. Screening pellets: After PET bottles are crushed and washed, the tumbler screen is used to screen the pellets to ensure the consistency and quality of the recycled PET pellets.
  4. Material Conveying: Tumbler screens are also commonly used to convey the treated PET bottle pellets to the next process or equipment.
tumbler screening drum sieve
tumbler screening drum sieve

trommel screener advantages

Tumbler screen has many advantages in plastics recycling and other fields, including:

  • Large capacity: rotary screening machines can handle large quantities of raw materials, making them suitable for industrial-scale production needs.
  • Versatility: It is suitable for a wide range of raw materials, including plastic pellets, waste plastics, granular materials, and so on.
  • Automation: Tumbler screens usually have an automated control system, which reduces manual intervention and improves production efficiency.
  • Durability: Trommel screens are usually made of durable materials, providing a long service life.

If you are interested in the plastic recycling and production industry, please feel free to contact us, we can provide you with solutions to your satisfaction. In addition, we can provide detailed parameter information and quotations.