Shuliy company’s paper recycling hammer mill is widely welcomed as a recycling field machine and has been selling hot. Recently, a customer from Saudi Arabia expressed a strong interest in this crushing machine and wanted to visit us in person. We warmly welcomed the customer and personally led him to visit our production plant.

paper recycling hammer mill
paper recycling hammer mill

background information about the customer

The Saudi customer said that he planned to buy several pulverizers, mainly for subsequent pulping and egg tray making. Through in-depth communication with our business manager, the customer had a more detailed understanding of the performance and working principle of our hammer mill.

hammer shredder for sale
hammer shredder for sale

paper recycling hammer mill factory visit

After seeing the efficient and stable working condition of the hammer mill crusher on-site, the customer expressed his high satisfaction with the performance of the machine and spoke highly of its working effect.

He especially emphasized the material and quality of the machine, which he thought was one of the important reasons for him to choose our products.

hammer crushing machine factory
hammer crushing machine factory

purchase decision

  • Inside the factory, we showed the customer the finished product display of the paper recycling hammer mill so that he could visualize the excellent performance of the machine.
  • The customer highly recognized our craftsmanship and product quality and decided to purchase two hammer crushers on the spot to meet his needs in egg tray making.

We will continue to provide our customers with high-quality equipment and excellent service, if you are interested in the recycling industry, welcome to browse this website and feel free to contact us.