In a recent successful cooperation, our company was honored to successfully send a paper pulp molding machine to a new customer in Ethiopia.

This client was involved in the chicken business for the first time and owned a small chicken farm. Through in-depth communication, our business manager understands that the customer’s needs are clear, has a clear understanding of the chicken industry, and has a clear production target at the first contact.

paper pulp molding machine
paper pulp molding machine

information about customer background

This client has a remarkable background. It is understood that the client’s family is mainly engaged in the leather business, and the client himself studied in the United States.

This not only shows that the customer is financially affluent, but also shows that the customer has certain advantages in terms of international experience and perspective. Such a customer, who was involved in the chicken-raising business for the first time, aroused great interest in us.

eco-friendly tray making machine
eco-friendly tray making machine

customer needs and expectations

In the initial communication, the customer showed a strong interest in the chicken-raising business and made his needs and expectations clear. Through in-depth conversations with customers, we learned that the customers have clear plans for the management and operation of chicken farms and hope to improve production efficiency and quality through the introduction of advanced technical equipment.

paper pulp molding Machine selection

To better understand our strength, the customer proposed to come and see the show in person. We warmly received customers and took them to visit our production base and showroom, allowing customers to see our advanced equipment and professional team with their own eyes.

paper pulp tray forming machine
paper pulp tray forming machine

Our paper pulp molding machines are reasonably priced and we provide one-stop service, from equipment purchase to subsequent training and after-sales service. This is in line with the needs of the customer who is involved in the chicken-raising business for the first time, so the customer has a strong interest in our machines.

Customer feedback and experience sharing

After purchasing and using our paper pulp molding machine, customers spoke highly of the machine’s performance and stability.

Customers said that the one-stop service provided by our company played a vital role in the entire purchase process, allowing them to smoothly get their chicken-raising business back on track.

Customers also shared some of their experiences in raising chickens, which also provided a useful reference for others entering the industry for the first time.