Recently, after about a month’s effort, our company once again successfully shipped a plastic pellet mill for sale to Côte d’Ivoire. The customer had bought pelletizing equipment from India and therefore had experience with the production line, was familiar with the machines, and had a clear objective of demand and purchase.

industrial plastic pellet production
industrial plastic pellet production

Market Background Information

Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) is a West African country rich in natural resources and development potential. However, with the development of urbanization and industrialization, the problem of plastic waste has also become increasingly prominent, creating a considerable burden on the environment.

To address this issue, the Ivorian government has taken environmental measures, one of the key initiatives being the introduction of plastic pelletizing machines to increase the capacity for plastic recycling and reproduction.

plastic pellet mill for sale cases and Prospects

Plastic pellet machine is popular worldwide, especially in the following countries and regions, its demand is more prominent, our machines have been sent to the United States, India, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Congo. Mordenbeek, etc.

You can check out our YouTube: to see how the plastic pellet mill for sale works, which shows a job site feedback video from one of our Saudi customers.

Our customers have achieved success stories in these countries for efficient recycling and re-production of waste plastics. With the increasing global demand for sustainable solutions, the plastic pellet machine market is promising and will continue to support manufacturing and environmental initiatives in various countries.