Our scrap metal briquette machines are suitable for pressing aluminum, steel, cast iron, copper, and countless other metals. Expensive cooling lubricants, residual oils, and emulsions can be recovered, greatly increasing the value of metal scraps.

Briquettes can be made up to 90% smaller than loose metal scraps. A briquette press extracts harmful coolants from metal shavings, forming briquettes that usually contain less than 2% moisture.

With the special experience we have gained in the field of metal scrap recycling, we can offer briquetting solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

What are the applicable raw materials?

This machine is capable of briquetting a wide range of metals, including light metals like aluminum and magnesium, as well as copper, brass, and bronze. It can also handle waste from sawing and milling steel.

Additionally, it efficiently briquettes special alloys in powder form, slag compounds, battery waste, and grinding sludge from various materials. The briquetting process transforms metal shavings into dense briquettes, providing an ideal foundation for further processing or commercial sale of compressed metal chips.

advantages of metal briquetting

  • High pressing pressure and high briquetting density.
  • Generate additional income by selling briquettes to foundries at premium prices.
  • Chip briquetting machines offer volume reduction ratios up to 8:1 for easy shipping.
  • Save costs by reclaiming and reusing metal scrap, cutting fluids, grinding oils, and emulsions.
  • Briquetting machinery reduces the risk of hazardous liability and enhances the recovery of cutting fluids.

المنتج النهائي من آلة فحم حجري الخردة المعدنية

The finished product of the metal briquetting machine has the characteristics of high density, regular shape, easy stacking, and transportation. This reduces the transportation cost and improves the transportation efficiency of scrap metal. The shape and size of the finished product can be customized.

In addition, the finished block metal is convenient for subsequent metal recycling treatment. It can be directly used in smelting or other reuse processes, which promotes the effective use of resources. Finally, this machine helps to minimize the scattering and flying of metal chips, thus reducing the possibility of environmental pollution.

How does the metal chip briquetting machine work?

Briquetting is a suitable process for dewatering or degreasing wet metal scraps. The working process of a scrap metal briquette machine is very simple, usually including the following steps:

  1. تغذية: feed raw materials come from scrap metal such as chips, shear chips, lathe chips, etc. produced by machining.
  2. ملء غرفة الضغط: سيتم تنظيف الرقائق المعدنية أو فرزها أو سحقها من خلال نظام المعالجة المسبقة لضمان تأثير الضغط.
  3. الضغط الهيدروليكي: through the action of a hydraulic cylinder, the metal chips will be squeezed gradually to form high-density and compact blocks.
  4. منع تفريغ المنتج: once the metal swarf has been compacted into blocks, the portal of the compression chamber opens, allowing the formed metal blocks to be discharged.
فيديو العمل لآلة ضغط قوالب الرقائق المعدنية

2 أنواع من آلة قولبة المعادن

تنقسم آلات ضغط المعادن بشكل رئيسي إلى نوعين، عمودي وأفقي، وفقا لشكلها الهيكلي.

آلة قولبة الخردة المعدنية

آلة طحن الخردة المعدنية العمودية قادرة على إجراء عمليات قولبة المعادن بكفاءة في مساحة صغيرة. عادة ما يكون مناسبًا للمواقع ذات المساحة المحدودة، في حين أن تشغيله أسهل في المراقبة والصيانة من النوع الأفقي.

آلات قولبة الرقائق المعدنية الأفقية، والتي عادةً ما تكون ذات مساحة كبيرة نسبيًا، مناسبة لبعض بيئات العمل التي تتطلب درجة عالية من سلاسة الماكينة.

آلة فحم حجري رقائق معدنية أفقية

The choice of a vertical or horizontal metal briquetting machine usually depends on the specific job site and operational needs. There is no essential difference between the two in terms of briquetting effect and function. The main difference lies in the structural layout, so the choice needs to be based on the actual situation for comprehensive consideration.

why choose shuliy scrap metal briquetters?

  • Customized solutions: according to your specific needs, we provide tailor-made equipment and production line design to ensure the best production efficiency and effect.
  • نسبة استهلاك الطاقة عالية الكفاءة: our scrap metal briquette machine provides excellent compression performance. Through optimized design and energy-saving technology, it achieves a high-efficiency energy consumption ratio and reduces energy costs.
  • مراعاة خدمة ما بعد البيع: we provide comprehensive after-sales service, including training, maintenance, spare parts supply, etc.
  • Global customer recognition: we have successfully supplied equipment to customers in many countries and regions, and have won extensive trust and praise.

معلمات آلة ضغط المعادن الهيدروليكية

We can produce different models of scrap metal briquette machines according to the different needs for the shape and size of finished product as well as the machine output.

The following are the parameters of a recently sold machine to البرازيل. Our machine has successfully helped our customers save space and costs. Aluminum chip scrap was processed and converted into valuable reusable material.

  • نموذج: إس إل-315 تي
  • سعة: 300-500 كجم/ساعة
  • كثافة: 2400 كجم/م3
  • نظام التحكم: التحكم الآلي PLC

You can also choose our آلة تحبيب الأسلاك النحاسيةمكبس المعادن, القص المعدني، و آلة تقطيع الخردة المعدنية for recycling. Welcome to visit our factory. Contact us to learn more about how our machines can help your industrial operations!